
Reclaiming Your Soul Fragments

This week we shared our experiences in doing a couple of shamanic journeys with shaman Tommy Hopkins. The original reason for launching down this particular rabbit hole was because Ana has finally divorced herself from her toxic parents. Although she had said goodbye she was having a hard time feeling clear of their energy. [...]

By |2019-03-24T15:53:24-07:00March 24th, 2019|spiritual, Tom Hopkins|0 Comments

The Shamans Path with Tommy Hopkins

This weeks interview is with Tommy Hopkins. We talked about his shamanic path including his efforts in clearing the Slocan Valley of ghosts. Tommy is a friend so this was a casual conversation around the mic with lots of laughter. This week we talked with shaman Tommy Hopkins about his [...]

By |2019-02-17T11:03:25-08:00September 4th, 2018|spiritual, Tom Hopkins|0 Comments

Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening

Today we talked about our personal and social psychoses as being an opportunity for spiritual growth if we can understand and deal with them in that way. The way that indigenous cultures found their shaman was to find the people in their midst who heard voices or saw things no one else could see. To [...]

By |2018-03-14T19:47:49-07:00November 23rd, 2016|Health, shows, social, Tom Hopkins|0 Comments

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