Monthly Archives: November 2018

A Compelling Argument on the Reality of Geoengineering with Juscha

This week we aired an interview that Catherine McGrath did with Geoengineering researcher Juscha Grunther. Juscha spent a period of some years collecting data on geoengineering in the Slocan Valley and ultimately sent a report to the federal government to try to get some answers. She was very thorough and careful in the collection [...]

By |2019-03-04T14:30:08-08:00November 27th, 2018|Catherine McGrath, environment, Juscha, science|0 Comments

Giving Tuesday & the Slocan Valley Legacy Fund

This weeks interview is with Lorna Visser of the Slocan Valley Community Legacy Society. Lorna wanted to talk to us about Giving Tuesday and the Legacy Society's hopes that the community would come out and donate to the Legacy Fund this coming Tuesday at the Appletree or the Everbean Cafe. If you'd like to [...]

By |2019-02-17T12:04:49-08:00November 20th, 2018|Lorna Visser, social|1 Comment

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