This week we aired an interview that Catherine McGrath did with Geoengineering researcher Juscha Grunther. Juscha spent a period of some years collecting data on geoengineering in the Slocan Valley and ultimately sent a report to the federal government to try to get some answers. She was very thorough and careful in the collection of data and the research she did convinced her that our government is indeed spraying fine particulate of heavy metals into our atmosphere in an attempt to mitigate climate change (among other potential reasons). She became very concerned about the effects of the heavy metals in our soil and drinking water but came to the conclusion that other than making other individuals aware of the problem, there was nothing she could do to improve the situation. Before we aired this interview we interviewed Juscha about what she hoped would come of it, and how the knowledge had affected her personally.

Listen to the Audio of this show:

for More Information:

A Documentary about GeoEngineering