
How I Stopped Being a Victim by Ana Bokstrom

Today Ana decided she wanted to share a topic that is near and dear to her. She's been on her soapbox (literally) about this for the last few weeks so we decided to give her the mic. Most of us (if not all) have experienced some form of abuse in our childhood. Ana had [...]

By |2018-10-04T19:50:34-07:00March 14th, 2018|Ana Bokstrom, shows, spiritual|0 Comments

How I Stopped Being a Victim

Most of us (if not all) have experienced some form of abuse in our childhood. I struggled with feeling likes a victim as a result, but came to the realization that identifying myself as a victim did not serve me. When we identify with being a victim we attract others who identify with [...]

By |2020-04-05T11:16:07-07:00March 14th, 2018|Ana's Blog|0 Comments

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