Ana’s Blog

How I Stopped Being a Victim – full article

I was sexually abused for most of my life. It began when I was about 9 months old with my father “handling” me in an inappropriate way. This continued throughout my childhood, teen years and even into adulthood. As a result, I didn’t know that I could set boundaries. Having had them violated from [...]

By |2020-04-05T11:13:43-07:00January 12th, 2019|Ana's Blog|1 Comment

How I Stopped Being a Victim

Most of us (if not all) have experienced some form of abuse in our childhood. I struggled with feeling likes a victim as a result, but came to the realization that identifying myself as a victim did not serve me. When we identify with being a victim we attract others who identify with [...]

By |2020-04-05T11:16:07-07:00March 14th, 2018|Ana's Blog|0 Comments

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