
Mind Files with Penny Hodgson

This weeks interview is with Penny Hodgson, author of Mind Files, Perception, Perspective & Problems. ​Penny is a certified holistic therapeutic counselor and natural nutritionist who resides in Calgary, Alberta. Being born with severe bilateral hip dysplasia caused Penny to walk with an exaggerated limp as a child, which resulted in years of being [...]

By |2020-07-09T11:45:50-07:00February 5th, 2019|Health, Penny Hodgson, social|0 Comments

How I Stopped Being a Victim – full article

I was sexually abused for most of my life. It began when I was about 9 months old with my father “handling” me in an inappropriate way. This continued throughout my childhood, teen years and even into adulthood. As a result, I didn’t know that I could set boundaries. Having had them violated from [...]

By |2020-04-05T11:13:43-07:00January 12th, 2019|Ana's Blog|1 Comment

Healing and Forgiveness with Ana

This week Ana decided to share some of the story of her childhood and her path to healing and forgiveness. The “Me Too” campaign has been in the news a lot lately. As a person who has experienced sexual abuse I’m glad that we’re finally talking about the issue. What concerns me is that [...]

By |2019-02-25T14:15:48-08:00October 2nd, 2018|Ana Bokstrom, Health, social, spiritual|0 Comments

How I Stopped Being a Victim

Most of us (if not all) have experienced some form of abuse in our childhood. I struggled with feeling likes a victim as a result, but came to the realization that identifying myself as a victim did not serve me. When we identify with being a victim we attract others who identify with [...]

By |2020-04-05T11:16:07-07:00March 14th, 2018|Ana's Blog|0 Comments

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