This week we talked with Sherry Heyliger and we enjoyed it so much we’ve asked her to be a regular contributor.

We talked about the current craziness and the apparent unraveling of reason and a radical approach to helping shift things. Sherry calls this “shadow work” and encourages us to transform the shadow by finding it within ourselves. This is a beautiful and inspirational approach that we have been personally working with and we wanted to share it with our listeners. It’s not easy and it may push some buttons, but hey, we all know that when the alarm bells are ringing in the ego, we’re getting somewhere!

The other contribution to this weeks show was a beautiful speech given by a founding director of the Groundswell Movement – Valarie Kaur. She spoke New Years Eve about the power of Revolutionary Love.

Here’s the article mentioned by Sherry…

Here’s a link to the story about Trudeau welcoming all refugees turned aside by the US.