Rabi'a Wheelchair sculpture

An Escher Wheelchair by Rabi’a

This week we sat down with Rabi’a, an amazing artist and incredibly passionate person. We wanted to find out how she has maintained her creative spirit and passion throughout her life. She shared stories about how she got into art, how she developed her practise of gratitude and what jazzes her… oh, and about dumpster diving.


Rabi’a sent us a little update and a photo of her latest piece (the wheelchair):

And in regards to your question ” what haven’t you done yet ?” And the answer escaped me. Writing my memoir is on my bucket list.

Listen to the audio of the show:

You can find more info and images of Rabi’a art at:


You can see more of Rabi’a’s beautiful property at:


Listen to a previous interview with Rabi’a:


Rabi’a mentioned that her wheelchair felt like an “Escher”… here’s an example of an Escher:

Puzzling World by M.C. Escher

M.C. Escher Puzzling  World.

And another picture of “Escher’s Wheelchair” by Rabi’a…

Escher's Wheelchair by Rabi'a

Escher’s Wheelchair by Rabi’a