If you have a serious or debilitating illness such as Fibromyalgia, Colitis, or Crohn’s Disease, or multiple allergies that are affecting your ability to utilize nutrients, you might consider undergoing treatment with Dr. Whitehead. Last fall we experienced the miraculous healing ability of Dr. Joel Whitehead of the Lakelands Acupuncture Clinic in Penticton, BC. Ana was suffering with severe endometriosis and Jeff’s liver and kidneys were seriously impaired from he heart medications he was taking. We had such amazing results that we wanted to share the experience so we organized a clinic in the Kootenays for our friends who wanted to see him. And now we’re doing it again this summer!

Dr. Whitehead is a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine as well as Nesshi therapy (which is a Japanese therapy that’s difficult to describe but uses hot and cold to stimulate the meridians), and NAET Allergy Elimination Technique. Something else that we discovered while he worked with a friend last year is that his treatment also works with hyperthyroidism. If that doesn’t tell you much, we’re sorry… we’d love to be able to explain exactly how it works but it’s kind of voodoo… you’ll just have to experience it for yourself.

Here’s the audio of an interview we did with Dr. Whitehead in the middle of our two week experience:

If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Whitehead and his therapies you can check out his website at http://lakelandsacupuncture.com/ or contact him at 250-492-2224. If you want to see Dr. Whitehead while he’s in the Kootenays please Contact Us.

It’s been nine months since our first treatment and it’s continued to be beneficial. We’re eating all of the foods we used to be allergic to and enjoying much improved health in all other respects.